Thursday, February 27, 2025

A couple of New Yorker bloggers, both with Vintage odd balls. Closing with a stumper.

 Let's do this! 

Got these 4 needs from Bo. Three 1965 Embossed and a Braves need. Thanks Bo.

Got a 10 pack from Greg. Four 79' Hostess an Acuna and Chipper need. He also sent a Maddux that I already had. I also had the Holiday SP Garcia. I scanned it because I know I had two of them before and I sent one to either Mr. Dilliard or Ginko, not sure who I sent it to. If you would kindly let me know which one got it, I can send this one to the other guy. Got me another new Holiday stocking ornament and a needed Laughlin. 

Thanks Greg!

Now, as for trivia last night. We did not win. We did well, but had absolutely no clue for the FINAL championship question. 

"What animal produces the milk used to make the most expensive cheese? PLUE cheese. Never heard of Pleu cheese, heard of Bleu cheese, but not Pleu.

Answer: Donkey.

Tomorrow's cards come from from a trip to Gainesville a couple weeks back.


  1. Ah rats on the Maddux, took a shot. ... I'm pleased I have Hostess extras to share now.

  2. Those ornaments are really cool. Donkey cheese? Never heard of it and may never have a reason to need to know. I learned something new today.

  3. I love 65 embossed. I am not a big vintage guy, but anytime I can add those I will

  4. Donkey cheese sounds interesting. Maybe I'll share this tidbit with my 4th period class since we're currently dealing with a power outage and can use some entertainment.

    1. apparently it is so expensive because it takes 26 liters of milk to make just 1 kilogram of cheese.
