Monday, March 17, 2025

The other Dime Box cards

 This go around will be the PC cards that I pulled out of the KnT dime boxes two weeks ago. And before anyone mentions it, I know that I was going to post the "free packs" I got from the back to back days visiting Kyle's shop but yesterday was St Patty's Day (I hope everyone faired well). I will post those packs or most of the goodies on Thursday.

The shop did NOT have the base 2025 cards in the dime boxes as of this trip (they did the next week (this past Friday when I visited the shop with Bill K. I'll post on that some other time. I was surprised to see some parallels and inserts in there though.

As much as I'd like to complain about the paying 3x as much for a whole box of them (I no longer will be doing that), still the .03 I paid for these cards is still a good deal.

Flat out robbery on the yellow Ichiro.

Happy to find some plaid parallels too.

So that finishes off the dimes from those two visits. I did pick up another 150ish last Friday when Bill K. was there. 


  1. Very cool looking Correa plaid parallel. Have a good night all!

  2. I have never seen the plaid parallels, those are cool!

  3. I didn't know they made plaid parallels....I like 'em!

  4. I will third (or fourth) the mention of not knowing the plaid parallels existed.

  5. While there are probably too many of them, some of the 2025 parallels do like nice.

  6. Never seen those plaid parallels either.

  7. I like the photo on the Cepeda card.
