Friday, March 7, 2025


 It has been way too long since I last run this theme/series. For those that weren't around, basically I'd post three cards with shadows on them and make a guess as to what the shadow looked like. IE: dinosaur etc. I used to keep these cards in a box and would just grab the next 3 in the box. Since then I have actually put them in a binder and in chronological order (for the most part). I will say right now that the vintage cards offer very little for the imagination at least until 74'. However, there are many cards throughout the binder that I have NO IDEA why I put it in there. Obviously, I don't remember so this will be like new all over again. Readers would also guess what they see. Sometimes it would be the same and sometimes they'd see something totally different. 

Here we go:

I see an old (very old) carousel pony.

This one if turned to the right would be a mounted gun of sort, but if tilted to the left a space age cartoon robot.

I definitely see a wolf (tilt your head to the right).

Your turn.. what do you see?


  1. #1: a horse
    #2: nothing came to mind, but i saw the rabbit after you pointed it out
    #3: a duck

  2. Anteater, kangaroo, and I'll agree with you on the wolf. Glad to see this series back!

  3. Fun stuff here. I see a moose, ET, and a mustang. Have a great weekend all!

  4. 1. Donkey
    2. Star Wars battle droid
    3. Elephant

  5. 1. A steer
    2. ET
    3. A dog walking away from you

  6. A horse saddle, a kangaroo, and the posterior of some four-legged animal
