Sunday, August 18, 2024

Blowout Cards: Wacky Packages.

 Last month I bought some stuff from Blowout Cards. There was a super deal on some 2010 ANS Wacky Packages that came in cereal boxes (miniature boxes). The deal was 3 (a set of boxes) for $9.97. For some reason I wasn't thinking that they would be the same same stickers I had bought back in the day. I bought two deals. Inside each pack were bonus stickers. Now those I did not have, the bonus stickers. Because I have shown the 2010 ANS 7 stickers a few times over the years (and will probably make a run again in 2025 or 2026 I did not scan the set of stickers, just the inserts.

Two complete insert set that  didn't have before.

Another completed set of inserts I needed (the last two cards are below).

Along with 7 parallel pink versions of them. I probably could have bought those complete insert sets for about the same $20.00,  but at the time I ordered them I had a major ITCH to rip packs. Even though I did already have the regular set of stickers I wound up with pretty much 3 more sets plus extras yet. I am pleased with the purchase. I also bought a CASE of some STAR WARS cards that I did not have. I'll post those tomorrow night.

Be safe!


  1. I have always enjoyed these product spoof cards/stickers. Have a great week!

  2. Loved these and think back to my 11 year old self grabbing these at the five and dime store! Still have them and thought they were awesome as a kid!

  3. The Weakies is my favorite. Sometimes during Black Friday sales, I'll buy cheap boxes just to scratch that itch.
