Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Another one from New York:

 Like I said not long ago, I've had all kinds of incoming packages. Here is another one from New York.

Greg mail me a bubble mailer full of Braves. I sorted out the ones that I needed per Greg's instructions if I still need any. I needed these. Big highlights on the three mini's in the middle. And The two buybacks, although I am betting that I have the Capra at least I am pretty sure that I do but have placed it in the wrong year in the binders. We'll see. Thanks Greg.

Later this week I'll hit up the return from an OCTer. Remember those 152 PWE's I mailed out? I got a return.

Have a great night!


  1. Wooo, 9 hits! That's pretty good!

    1. would've been 10 had I not gone to Ormond a couple of days earlier.

  2. 152 PWE's? That's insane. The USPS should hook you up with an award or something.

  3. I don't recall you mentioning buybacks before. Do you actively pursue them?

    1. I want all Braves cards including buybacks. I probably have a couple dozen. I list the ones I have typically under the year the buyback was re-issued. IE: the 2024 Heritage 75' (well one of them the other one was from 2015).
