Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A quickie anyone?

 Real short tonight. Also letting you folks know that I did not get those stacks of Braves near my laptop checked out so that will have to be on the agenda for the rest of the week. Also noting there is another couple of hundred Braves in stacks on a tv tray/Table near my laptop so that too will be work. Meanwhile I did plan for this short post as I knew Jeremy would be here. Shout out to him for buying lunch today. He spent 6 hours (minus lunchtime) digging in the boxes. He got slower than the last time, he actually only made it through 2 boxes. Hundreds more to go, lol. He did manage "mark off" his want lists somewhere between 800 + cards. 

The above cards came from Mark (Fuji). The 2019 Braves are from the Clear Travel set he posted about recently. Mark sent a slew of those for the PC's too. Always a blast to get new to me Braves, but the real kicker is that Ebay card. I've never used one before, we'll see how that goes. The card was a return for some cards Mark wanted for another buddy of his. Thanks Mark and also to Jeremy for the visit.


  1. Man... I wish we lived on the same coast. I'd love a shot at digging through those boxes :D

    1. nothing like a vacation across country (after summer school of course)

  2. Must have a huge wantlist. Mine is less than 150 cards total. It is for my only set build ever. 2019 Topps Heritage Baseball. About 50 SP's and about 100 inserts. eBay gift cards are very easy to use.

  3. I'm sure it won't be hard to find something cool to use that gift card on.
