Monday, February 26, 2024

January and February was very busy.

 January and February was a very busy month for me. I went to Jacksonville 3 days in Feb. One day was at Fred's house, the next day was at the Jacksonville Sports card shop (he hosts the shows), and the third day was for the Feb. show that was a week later than normally. I also went to that card shop in Leesburg, made to two trips over to Ormond Beach, and I went to the quarterly card show in The Villages (Jan). To top that off I started a new Franken-set (technically it is two in one) don't worry it is still in the formation period. I also started one of those Bigger projects I set once I came back home from GA. My Braves display shelves. That I gave my self 3 months to complete. Five weeks in and I did all that I can do for now (I ran out of supplies). I have to finish with years 2019-2024. That was a big deal as I had to strip all of the binders that I had of Braves, empty all of those boxes I accumulated while in GA. Comingle them together and then resort them by year then set and re-page them. Previously, my Braves were bindered by "brand". I am happy to say now they are by year. I will miss some of the pluses from the "old way", but all in all I needed to do this. I will break out the details whenever I get new supplies and finish the task complete with a few pictures.

From all of the "trips" I took I have quite a bit to get scanned and posted. Tonight I will start with The Villages card show. I only made one purchase. Rather one bundle of purchases from one seller. I bought from this guy before, never cards, but vintage sports board games.

The first thing that caught my eye was this vintage stadium giveaway. It is not in the best condition but when I asked how much he said $10.00 I had to have it.

In the glass case below the fan there was this stack of "baseball guides". On top of them was a book.

Eight stars on the cover including two Braves (Dale Murphy and Hank Aaron), throw in Ruth, Mays, Reggie, Mantle, and Schmidt.....I had to look.

That is when I realized I never heard of "Kessler". I was intrigued. I grabbed the stack.

Turns out Kessler was a distillery that made whiskey. 

Nice little run of years there. I asked how much he wanted $50.00 firm (included the books below too).

Orel is a PC guy (we share the same birthday). It's a Christian magazine, and I didn't know White Castle had a baseball almanac. Of course down here in the south Krystal's is the preferred of the two.

There was some baseball cards in this case too, and something caught my eye. You'll have to wait until the end to see what that was. I grabbed it up and put it in my stack and asked how much? He said he didn't know and would need to go ask one of the vendors who was a full time card dealer. He came back and gave me a price on that and totaled everything up so far to $100.00 A hundy, but you know me I want to feel like I got a really good deal so I told the guy he have to throw some stuff in. 

These were in one of those nicer 50 count plastic boxes. I didn't open it and figured it was complete. My brain wasn't thinking ( was definitely complete). There were actually 4 complete sets inside. I found that out after I got home and was going through the stuff. I know that I probably have the complete set for my PC guys, but I'm not 100% well I am now and in fact I can put a card in each of the guys PC's. 22 of the 24 are PC guys. So to cover myself I am putting two of these sets in the PC boxes to make sure that I have both guys covered, and one set will go into the coca-cola binders, yes I have binders of coke cards and there are a lot of card sets.

I grabbed up these two boxed sets and had the dealer throw them in too. I knwo I have some singles of Braves and PC guys, now I know I have the 1994's covered. Kraft also did a 93' set too.

Now for the baseball cards that CLOSED the deal for me. 

A complete set of 69' Deckle Edge. I have most of these cards in my PC guys, but I was also putting together a set for my 69' Topps binder. The checklist above was not in this guy's set nor was the Hoyt Wilhelm. The Jim Wynn was. Wynn is the variation, not Hoyt. I seen the set was complete with the 33 cards and the 3 key cards (SPs) were in there Rose, Mays, and Clemente. The guy came back from his dealer friend and said it was complete but no variations (I disagree). He said $40.00 and I was like DONE, let's put a fork in this and I am outta here. I knew I had the Hoyt at home, he was sitting on top of my "stack" of this set I was working on and literally would see it everyday. So now I only need the Joe Foy variation. It books between $5-12.00. The cheapest decent one on ComC tonight is $12.00. I looked up the pricing on the Rose, Mays, and Clemente on Beckett.

Pete Rose: $30-80

Willy Mays: $75-200

Roberto Clemente: $60-150.

Now I checked those out ComC too. The Rose can be had for about $10.00 in good conidition, the other two are a bit pricey even there. So considering this set is excellent condition I know I got a good deal at $40.00 on it. Very happy with the fan too. The Kessler books I could go on living without them, but I had never seen/read, or heard of them before and they kind of compliment my breweriana collection (yes I have one of those too).

There you go, very busy. 


  1. So those Sunoco cards have a fun card community tie in because Anson slash Pre-War Cards helped make that set back in the day.

    Also nice grab on the Deckles. $40 for a complete set sounds right. Those price guide prices sound super optimistic.

  2. Nice stuff you got there, and you always seem to strike a good deal. The Deckles are very nice.

  3. I'm intrigued by the post you left on my blog, but I certainly enjoyed reading this one! I have a 1980 Kessler football book. My Deckle set is just missing Foy too. I could have had one for $12 at the card show I went to a few months ago, but it seemed like a lot at the time. I haven't seen one that cheap since.

    1. There's on eon ComC for that price. I'm too cheap to pay that for it though, lol.

    2. I don't see one lower than $14, I wonder if I see different numbers because I don't have an account. I don't want to pay $12, especially after turning that down!

  4. I love that Sunoco set, I should find one some day. I remember discovering them at a gas station in Buffalo, had no idea what they were.

    1. I kind of have a spare. I emailed someone to see if they needed it if not or I don't hear back by Wednesday I will put the set in with the box I am mailing you Wednesday. (no not a flat rate box this time).

  5. Very busy indeed. Hope one of these days you'll give your readers an opportunity to see those Braves shelves. That Topps Home Run Book looks interesting. I remember seeing the Surf books in the 80's, but not that one.

    1. I will be posting that book case once my new supplies arrive and and I finish the bottom shelf 2019-2023.

  6. John, will you email me your address. I am at padrographsatlivedotcom. I have a bunch of Braves cards for you.

  7. Sounds like you got a great deal on the '69 Deckles. Reading you posts about your different binders and all of the cards that you send out to people, I'm not sure that I can imagine what your collection looks like.

    1. I'll get some posts out of the chaos that I have brewing in the house, lol (in time).

  8. Maybe it's because I don't read many publications with ads anymore but I enjoyed the progression of the Kessler ads (err... Covers)
