Saturday, May 22, 2021

Clean up!

 No, I'm not talking about the 4th spot in a batting line-up. I'm talking about the last post (same letters as spot) for the cards from the non-sport box that I picked up a few weeks ago. A catch all if you will.



A couple of Super Man holos, and a trio of Phantom.

A hodge poge. The pics below contain nudity, so if you don't want to see them......exit now.

Yeah, I know I see that I did not crop that one. 

A look into the future:

Upcoming Posts: 

A few from a ComC order and it includes some griping.

Incoming trades.

2021 dandies.

More Wackys from back in the day.

Memorial Day

and a PITCH for more TRADES regarding my HOSTESS dupes.

Yeah, I am figuring that Hostess post will get some interest, but this should close out the month.

Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Overall fun cards. The Riddick cards don't really do anything for me as well. Good post.
