Sunday, January 12, 2025

Finishing off the Black Friday finds.

 This post wraps up the last of the ComC order that came in last month. The next series of posts will come from the lost but found Sport Lots order. Relatively small compared to the one that I have brewing right now (600+) cards.

Short print variation Albies to start the night.

Following that up with a very short printed (1/7) John Smoltz autograph, and a Japn Edition insert of Acuna.

The 2024 Finest Riley wound up being a dupe that I bought after having this in my inventory. It's all good though because Austin is a PC guy. 

A pair of Greg Maddux convention parallels (there are a ton of parallels for these).

Glad to have this series done. I've got a few more series' to get to and I plan on hitting 2 card shows to closeout this month. One of the series to come is from a few weeks ago when I went to the Tampa card show. Like the previous trip to that show....I got sick. I am all better now. I was a good boy and stayed home until Saturday (I went and got groceries), and then my daughter Hunter and I went to Outback and I got me a big ole steak. I was craving one and it was good!

Have a great week everybody!


  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Never been to Outback, but I'm sure I would like it. Excellent cards as well. Have a great week!

  2. You've got a lot of gems in that last post, and in all of them. That Smoltz auto is sick.

  3. That cherry blossom Japan edition insert of Acuna is gorgeous! I just discovered that set last month.

  4. Feel better = eat steak. Looks like pretty good math to me!

  5. I like the design on extrestrial talent
