Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Doing the Right thing. A call to arms! Baseball cards and Psych-Ops

Oh I am going to have fun with this one. I hope you do too! 

For the most part of my life I have been a leader. That role worked out for me (because I was/am really good at everything I do if I like it) :) A dang fine leader I am and was. 

This is not to say that there are not some issues here and there in my life that let's just say could have had better outcomes.  In each of those instances I was not leading, I was following. Yeah, turns out not so good for me. Thankfully I learned not to be a follower at an early age (22). Otherwise I'm sure my life would have been a whole lot different and not in a good way. I've made mistakes all throughout my may surprise you  but I am not perfect :). Only one man was perfect and that holds true for all eternity.

By now you may be wondering (if you're still here) what this philosophical  prose is all about. I assure you it really isn't philosophical at all. Let me tie it all together.

I was a good leader because I hammered down on the things that I wanted done differently. I most certainly look at things "outside" the box. I pretty much am a no exception kind of guy..... This is MY way period now get it done or go. No, I didn't bombard co-workers, employees, peers, team mates and etc with that motto. They just KNEW it. It is who I am. I can say that 100% of the time it got it done and done right, done better than ever before and all of the jazz you can think of. 

Here is the kicker....I am an absolute OPTIMIST. Make lemonade, adapt overcome, get er done. That doesn't mean I can't rant from time to time. Heck, you folks have seen your fair share from me over the years. We've seen it from each other for that matter. Sometimes, it is just a good idea to let it all out....vent. 

Over the years we especially have "expressed" our disdain, dislike, dis-satisfaction, and disgust when it comes to our baseball cards. (See I told you that I would tie it all together). Yes yes we are nearing the end my friends. I 100% believe that you me everyone should speak up about things that bug them. That is NOT to say bitching, griping, complaining and otherwise is a good thing all of the time. It has it's place and that is typically where people get it wrong. Again I say if you're not happy about something you got to let it out.... in the right way, right place, and to the right people. Otherwise it just makes things worse. 

I prefer to make things better when I can and I know that is NOT possible all of the time. Maybe a bit oxy-moron by saying "no man left behind" and at the same time, knowing "when to cut off the leg". I try to use that last one as a last resort, you know try another way another way another way if possible, but being able to whip out that axe if you have too.

Over the last several months many of us have mentioned within our blogs if not a total post regarding the improvements over at ComC. Like I mentioned earlier we've all had a negative quip over the years regarding their shipping delays. It was just awful, yet we continued to place our orders and wouldn't request shipment for a long time. The days of the Black Friday and other sales seems to be gone, but who knows. The most certainly have made some changes recently. On September 20th late at night, I made my most recent shipment request. As per their usual (I think it is computer generated) I got my e-mail telling me it would be about 6 weeks to ship. However, On September 27th a Friday, I got an e-mail stating that my order had shipped. yes 7 days. I was elated! So much that later that evening I decided to do what all good leaders should do. I replied back to "" e-mail.

Here is what I wrote:


First I want to say thank you. Secondly, I want to let you at ComC know that myself (I am a blogger- JohnnnysTradingSpot) and just abput all of the card bloggers have noticed how efficient y'all have been especially these last 6 months. Lately it is common to find mention of just how fast you guys are getting orders out. So, again I say thank you.
Lastly, I believe your companies main competitor these days is actually getting worse, they are slowing down. 

Have a great weekend!
John Miller

I see the typo, but I forgive myself (I can do that). This was sent obviously after business hours on the weekend. Monday I got a reply back from the "staffer" I sent it to or at least I believe was the staffer. She was shocked. Apparently, it is not common for them to get good e-mail from customers. She informed me that she would be making sure the "bosses" and all of the staffers got a copy of that reply. And to top it all off Tuesday yesterday October 1st I got my package from them. Blown away. 

Dumbing this back down. If you have had such an experience with ComC recently.... e-mail them at and let them know. It costs you nothing, and certainly let's a little sunlight on someone'e life. 

It is the right thing to thank someone for a good job, so do your part, and the psych-op part you probably thought this was going to get political....nope not a word.. LOL Okay I just said the word.

Do or die for my Braves tonight, Go Braves!   I believe!


  1. Very well written! Yes, we are not perfect, and you are correct there was only one that was. I completely agree that we should put in positives whenever we can. Compliments and saying thank you costs us nothing. Who knows? Thanking someone may be the only time they hear that during that day. Thank you for this great reminder!

  2. Good for you on sending out positive vibes. I read the "nearing the end" part and thought you were calling it quits haha. Sorry about your Braves too.

  3. You're right! Too many times customer service only gets complaints. I'm sure your note made a lot of people's days. Nice work!

  4. Coincidence, I'll be posting about my latest rapid COMC return in next day or two. A post may not be a thank you email, but it is saying 'thank you'.

  5. That's really cool that you shot them a "thank you" email. Those two words can really turn someone's day or even life around. As for being a leader... I've always been more of a follower. The one exception has been being a teacher. My job would be awfully challenging if I let the students run my classroom :D

    1. Thank goodness you don't let them. With this post I was hoping to inspire others to do the same. Maybe just maybe ComC will continue to be quick. :)

  6. I've sent COMC a note or two of thanks in the past as well. And I've sent more than a few over the years to sellers on eBay; usually to compliment them on a well-packaged item, or if something arrives looking better than it did in the photos/scans, I'll send praise, and thanks, their way.

  7. Thank for for being a good person. I think you continually show this with your generosity and also the way you speak of your family in your other posts
