Friday, November 29, 2024

Clearwater cards from Justin

 Again, another short post finishing up the highlights I scanned from Justin. But last night, after getting home (immediately hitting publish on last night's pre-written post) my door bell rang about 9pm. That doesn't happen (a good way to get shot BTW). People that know me, don't call, text, or come over unless invited to do so after dark. Well, my neighbor across the street/cul-de-sac who up until the last few months was a confirmed bachelor with FWB. Carlos has his own business and works typically 12-16 hrs a day 7 days a week. Typically, anyway off track. Great guy, he rang my door bell because apparently, his new "girl" made a bit too much food for the two of them. He brought me over one of those aluminum roasting pans 8x12 full of turkey including two monster legs, about a lb. of turkey slices, and a lb. of ham, plus the bottom was loaded with real Spanish rice (they are both Hispanic), roasted carrots, about 2 quarts of mashed potatoes, bowtie pasta sausage lobster thing, mac n cheese casserole, and stuffed olives. Plus 6 homemade from scratch chocolate chip cookies, two HUGE piece of some type of dessert (I tasted those good). Because I was still stuffed like a turkey, I was already full to the max not to mention I had a huge slice of apple pie minutes before the bell rang. I did manage to swallow 3 of those cookies while I was updating the PC.

Then, my daughter comes over before I woke up and brings me breakfast. I'm so FULL, but tonight's supper is going to be a feast.... again. (tomorrow too!). Enough with the belly aching, lol. 

More of those silly Logofractors (they do look good all together though). Oops I see a parallel Logofractor that was for someone other than me....I wonder who?

Lots of great stuff. The Metal Linchpin Mike Piazza was a very nice get.

Have a fantastic weekend, eat those left overs I hope that everyone out there had a blessed holiday....I certainly did! 

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving!

 By now I'm sure most of us are in comatose mode, after indulging the good food today. 

I'll try to keep this one short, but first I want to say my thank yous.

I am thankful for a whole lot of things: Way too many to list here, but god knows what they are (I tell him all of the time thank you....daily). Here I want to say thank you to all of you that read, follow, interact, and especially for the comments. I am thankful for my family, my health, and for all of things that "work out" for me or what I am doing.

Now Let's get a few cards in. This will only be about half of what I grabbed from the deal I made with Justin in Clearwater this month (well half of the ones that I scanned). I am thankful for baseball cards too! That triple HOF auto and triple relic serial #d 8/8 from last night $60.00. Thankful for that too!

New to me Braves including some of those silly Logofractors along with the other parallel cards.

Added 4 new to me Tebow cards (and in his Gator uni too)!

A couple of short print variations, some 2nd year Ichiro cards, and the Pujols.

I'll get the rest tomorrow, now go eat another turkey sandwich snack and get some sleep, lol.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Jesse's deal in Clearwater

 I teased last night about the cards I picked up in Clearwater, the cards from Jesse Litsch. Well, here are the rest of them. Jesse sets up his tables with a high end box and a case, then a monster box of $5.00 cards, then a $3.00 box, a$2.00 box, a dollar box, and lastly a quarter box. I showed you some that he didn't charge me for, and the fact is he actually pulled them out of the quarter box for me while I was going through the dollar box (he was planning on leaving the show early to take his father-in-law to dinner). 

The Albies Pristine is numbered to /15. The triple auto and triple relic card is sweet with all three players in the HOF!

Those are the rest of the new to me Braves.  Now to the other cards.

These are 18 of the 22 cards I needed to complete my Update set. Pretty sure the other four were there, but I overlooked them at the time. No worries, because an OCT bud (the leader of the group) Len is sending me those 4 plus the Jrod I need to finish up series 1. 

I was very happy with the deal I made with Jesse. Basically he charged me for the high end cards and the $5.00 cards but discounted them and threw in the other cards.

I'll put up the cards from the other "deal" from Justin Thursday and Friday. I'm pooped, spent last night and all of this afternoon at my brother's house putting together book cases for him. 

Have a great night everybody!

Monday, November 25, 2024

I went to a show in Clearwater

 A couple of weeks ago I headed south to hit up the Friday night (3pm-9pm) card show in Clearwater, FL. I made two deals one being with that young no longer a newbie dealer who has a come a long way from where he used to be and still trying to "scale up" his words. The other was from a former Major League Pitcher. I'll start off with those or some of those.

In a nutshell these Braves were new to me and didn't cost me a thing.

These PC mini's were also at no charge. The Jesse Litsch autograph card was the former player that sets up at shows. He is who I made my 2nd deal with (you'll understand why the throw in freebies tomorrow).  I do have a tidbit of odd trivia regarding Jesse.

Actually 2 tid bits. 1) He just finished building his Bowman and Bowman Chrome rainbow of his rookie card this month. 2) You can see Jesse throws right handed, and his card says throws and bats right handed...... Wait for it..... wait for it....

He writes left handed.  You can tell by the autograph on the Topps RC, but I also watched him sign another one for a fan who was actually visiting the area and was from Canada. That fan didn't know the dealer was Jesse, but certainly knew all about his MLB debut as this card highlights. I had shown him my card, and he just went on and on, so I told him the dealer was him. I offered him my card, Jesse said I'll sign one for him....Needless, that Jays fan went home very happy.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Calling it a wrap.

 Tonight is the end of the October gets from that Ormond trip. It is also Friday so I will make it quick and get straight at it.

Refractors and a Willie.

Lots of chrome mojo in those last two scans. Well, that is a wrap.

Have a great weekend.

Isn't Ormond beautiful?

 At least the cards I bring back from over there? Here are some more PC gets, and while I am at it might as well update on my PC progress. Been out of pages for a bit, but got two cases in today. I have updated the numbers through Canseco (still entering him on TCDB) but will be finished with him tonight. I am planning on hitting up Ormond again tomorrow for the 2nd time in 7 days. I didn't get much last trip- a couple of posts worth, so hoping tomorrow will be fruitful. The this weekend I can go hit up those stacks of "C's" that I have completed already and get them placed on the book shelves.

Certainly a variety of brands tonight.

I see bubblegum. 

I'll be back tomorrow night with another round from October, the final round. Next week I will get a couple of posts from the Clearwater trip a couple of weeks ago, and then a couple with the stuff from last Friday's trip to Ormond. 

Have an awesome night.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Some more October Ormond gets

 Last night was a huge milestone. Going back to 2013, I would have never imagined that be possible. 1 million views (plus a couple hundred more). Thank you to everyone who took a peek over the years.....including the time or two bots got crazy.

I'll keep tonight short.

I can't help but think of bubble gum looking at a full page of the All-Etch.

This was originally going to be the last scans/post from the October trip, but I needed the short post tonight. I did run over to Ormond last Friday and planning on another trip this Friday too.

Take it easy!

Monday, November 18, 2024

Should be a really really really BIG night tonight!

 I had a visitor today, Jeremy came over brought me that Jason Aldean Ginter card. The backstory here is that I've known Jason for 28-9 years. He was barely old enough to be in the bars. He has family here in Ocala and like me both Georgia boys, it seemed appropriate with a cousin of his who I worked with for over a decade knew I liked country music and back in them days had a way with the girls. He'd have me drag the girls to bar whenever Jason would be here playing. This was before his first record deal, which by the way was a bust, he switched that up, and then again later. Low behold by the mid 2000's he was kicking butts and taking names and hasn't stopped since. Yeah both Jason and I had a lot more hair and a whole lot less belly back then. He was a tall skinny kid. I've never bothered him since he got famous. But I do have a story or two, lol. At 47, Jason still has a couple of decades to go (though he'll never catch the KING George Strait), but with 28 country music chart toppers under his belt he should move up in the All-Time rankings currently at #13. Current Rankings .

Jeremy also brought me two new Stadium Club Braves too along with a handful of those HR/Hit thingy's.

Now we need to get back to those PC cards that I picked up in Ormond back in October. On second thought, I will throw out the odd ball stuff that I picked up on that trip including some non sport cards.

Some very shiny cards for my Presidential collection. January will be here before we know it.

A lot of shiny Donruss too.

I know that is a lot of 2024 Donruss, but I did say odd ball stuff, hehe. The Trout and Ohtani 205 DK cards were sweet gets (a set I am building).

I didn't even know there was a Diamond Kings insert of Diamond KIngs (the Alomar), so I'll have to chase those down too. Then you have some high end cards that I am set building. The Dylan Crews Donruss was the last card I needed for the 2024 Donruss base set.

Finishing up with some more set build needs.  That is all for tonight. Have a great night everyone! OH.... wait.... I did say this should be a really big night didn't I?

Tonight's post should and I repeat "should" bring me to a HUGE milestone....Actually it may have already surpassed it by the time this publishes!


Thursday, November 14, 2024

Getting it right.... this time.

 Ran that last post out of order not that it really matters. Hopefully I get it right tonight. Let's see.

Yep, this was the one that I should have posted last time. I groups a few of the PC guys together.

The UK Ohtani was a nice .22 pick up for sure.


Looking forward to getting to them Mantle update so that I can see how many of those dog gone HR cards I have. I just went through a double whammy when I updated Bonds. Pretty sure there is a DiMaggio and a Josh Gibson long run too.

Shiny Trout's.

I think for tomorrow I'll break it up a bit with some more odd ball stuff/sets.

Be safe laugh more.... it's all going to be alright. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Back to Ormond Beach.

 Resuming where I last left off with the newly obtained gets from the last trip over to Ormond.  Most of the posts left from this 12K card haul will be PC additions. rather cards that will sit in boxes until I check and update those players. First I should be done with updating my B's this week. Buehler is where I am at right now. I also need to update Ellis Burks put he may not be put in a binder (boxing him probably).

That page looks good all together.

prospecting box additions.

There were a couple more from this set, that I put with other cards of the same player so that they were grouped together. You'll see them eventually.

That Sutter Obsidian is a RED parallel, and that is the first parallel of them that I have ever seen. 

More in a couple of days, as I ran this post ahead of when I was supposed to. OOPS. I'll figure it out tomorrow, have a great night.