Monday, October 21, 2024

Pinktober. Breast Cancer Awareness month.

 I spent nearly three days getting the posts for this series to run the rest of the month. Wore me out. No way could I have done the other half of the cards too. Now I remember why I spread it out of the entire month previously. I also remember dumping them all into one post. YIKES! 

Truth of the matter is I had completely forgot about it "the pink cards". When I was in Georgia I developed a few bad habits rather enhanced a few that I already had....Putting cards in stacks because I was going to do something with them before putting them away. Being away from my "main collection", just made it so much worse and even though I will soon hit the two year mark for being back home where all of my cards are united (under one roof) I have still been and currently have a buttload of stacks. I started cleaning those up last week. So many stacks that it will take some time to get them cleared up. THIS IS GOOD NEWS! I am getting things put away, including the THREE stacks of PINK cards that were sitting on one corner of my pool table. 

That was the tie in there, it reminded me oh I need to update those files and yes I did so, but not until after I went to pick up a pizza last Wednesday and the corner Hungry Howies had a well thought out design of their PINK pizza boxes in the shape of the breast Cancer Awareness logo. (They do the pink boxes every October and have done so for years. Anyway, I got the message went home had a couple of slices and got to work.

Long intro to the first of 2 weeks worth of PINK cards. I also cleared up stacks of other stuff too, and even done a few more PC guys and started re-doing the PC shelves.  Good News all around. Unless, you are a Dodger fan, because I have knocked out a couple of Dodger B's in my PC. 

Here we go to honor the cause. Some of the posts these two weeks will be lengthy and some will not. Tonight you are getting my 2015 Topps Chrome 7 scans, and 1 for my 2016 Topps Chrome.

The 2015 set screams bubble gum.

Plenty of star mixed throughout.

I didn't like any of the parallels with the 2016 set. As you can see I really don't have a lot for the year.....I wonder why. In case you folks are wondering not once did I seek out any pink cards. Every one I have came out of dimes boxes which means I paid basically a penny for each.

P.S. I have a lot of dupes available.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

A SPIN ON "VARIETY" Okay okay not really variety....a more specific word would be VARIATIONS!

 Variations. Lord knows the baseball card world has way too many of them. In the "old days" they were for the most part unintentional. Things like errors such as typos even card stock. then the 80's & 90's happened. So many errors and yes probably unintentional but still there were SO MANY. Then print variations like * or ** in the copyright or Inc. vs inc no period all over the place. Pack versions was vs cello border designs, throw in factory set versions too. The 60's Venezuelan cards and French we didn't mind those. Fast forward to the parallels and the 2000's-current with intentional errors and all of the parallels. My goodness talk about madness. 

I have not nor will I ever appreciate the modern era craziness. I am a-okay with UER. I could even tolerate 1 ONE border color variation and doesn't matter what color it would be, red, black, gold, whatever and even pink which I'll close this post on that specific note.

Topps & Panini alike both went rampant with SP variations or just flat out variations printed as the same as the base card. Nuts I say. But....I will always scoop up any I find at cheap prices especially if they are in dime boxes (love those). When it comes to the modern Donruss set builds I have always gotten the "variations" while building the set. I believe I have them all (modern day stuff). The 80's and 90's forget about it, I rarely even think about them then all of sudden I find myself checking the backs for which one I have and if I have them all. I posted about that not too long ago, but that is not what this post is highlighting. Nope, I am hitting up on the modern day Topps SP/Legend/Image/Factory variations. In that last ComC order that came in I loaded up on them. THIRTY SIX of them. Here they are.

Some of these guys are PC guys, however I am putting these cards in the set builds.

Some of these cards would also fit into other mini collections like the bubble gum card you see above, and some would fit in the "Wacky" binder which I thought that I would have kick started that themed Wednesday post again by now. Maybe I'll get it going before the end of the year. 

Earlier in this post I mention getting back to PINK. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and over the years I have varied in how I posted my PINK cards. I've done them all in one shot (too exhausting), and other times I posted them every day of the month. This year I decided to just do 9 posts highlighting half of the cards. Topps Chrome mainly, but other Topps too. I'll start those on Monday and will finish out the month. 

Now I am not discounting the other PINK cards from Bowman, Donruss/Panini. I am saving those for roughly 6 months down the road on/around MOTHER'S DAY. 

I think breaking the Pink up this way will be easier on both me and you. Now you know what I spent the last two days doing.

Monday, October 14, 2024

ComC part 2: Firsts and Lasts.

 Short post tonight. The concept will be simple. Most if not all of the cards were either the last cards I needed or the first card needed for a team set build or a major set build or for some other reason. Let's see what pops up.

I forget already , but I believe the last two cards finished the Braves team set, and the others may have finished the actual set build. But for some reason I am thinking I still need one or two. I'll have to check later.

This card was the last card needed to finish the 1973 set build. I had it sitting in the inventory for a couple of months.

These are the first Japanese cards that I have bought, and certainly the first Japanese cards of Ichiro and Oh. (the card fronts can been seen below).

The Frank Robinson card finished that set for me. I believe those are the first Wonder Bread cards for me.

Closing out with a 1909-11 T206 White border. This is my first one added this year! Another blog goal done! It ain't purdy, and just a lil dirty but it works for this year!

Have a great night folks! Probably won't post again until Friday, but let's just it will be nothing but SP Variations.

Devine intervention. ComC order. Atlanta Braves (Milwaukee and Boston Braves too).

 Getting the latest update out of the way. My daughter (in Fort Myers) went back home Thursday. she had no power so she stayed with her friend. Power was restored by daybreak Saturday. Other than trashing the food in the fridge, no problems. Not even limbs to pick up (a neighbor already did that for her). Furthermore, there were over 4 million homes without power, and 90% have been restored leaving apx 400K to go. Florida knows how to get things back on track. 

My brother has a new place, a bigger place, nicer place and close by 5 minutes way (1 mile). I found it for him on Friday morning. I scheduled a walk through for 1pm. We went, he liked and by 5pm the application process was complete and approved. Contract being mailed out Monday/Tuesday. Now he just needs to switch everything over and finish packing up. Our mom called these events "favors", I call them blessings, but we all know what it is.

Now let's get to some baseball cards. The most recent ComC order which as explained last week (or the week before) was here faster that I can write. I'll say it again, they are doing an amazing job these days. There will be several posts this weeks highlighting the different areas of my pick ups. Braves batting first.

Vintage Topps posters from 67' and 69'. i did already have a Niekro, but it certainly needed replaced.

A few 64' Topps coins and a 71'.

The first two are Fleer stickers from 1961. Nice additions. The Cepeda is an upgrade and like the Niekro above can be moved to their respective PCs.

This scanned popped up out of order, but oh well. It is the back of the 2nd Fleer sticker above.

This concludes the Braves exclusive portion of the broadcast. I'll put together some firsts and lasts for tomorrow's post.

Friday, October 11, 2024

The Sport Lots gets.

 Wanted to do a quick post for tonight and start the weekend. The order was a big one, but most of it was for set builds. These are just the Braves.

I believe I have completed this team set now (might need 1 or 2 more).

Let's start with the 1977 Topps Cloth. I now have both of the Braves and both versions of both cards * and **.  I believe those were the last 92' Panini Braves I needed after ripped the box I bought in Tampa.

I did already have those cyber 1995 Topps Braves, and I wasn't sure if I needed them for my patriotic mini collection so I got them.

I am really begin to believe that it is impossible to get all of the Braves cards from the 90's. I know it is impossible for after the 90's.

I did have the Independence Freddy in my team sets, but this one is for the patriotic collection, and just in case it is there too his PC.

That wraps the edition of Braves I had to have. LOL. I will post the recent ComC order all next week.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Topps Hobby Rip Night: KNT Trade night and JSA all in one. Hurricane Milton aftermath.

WEATHER UPDATE: I'm good! My local family are too. My brother lost some more fence, but that will be for the landlord to handle this time (I think). My brother still hasn't found a new place to live with 2 weeks to go. My daughter who lives in Fort Myers home was NOT hit by the tornado that hit two blocks over from her house. It stands....praise God! Will know more in a couple of days there if there are other issues. 

200+ tornado WATCH reports, at least 126 official tornado warnings and at least 30 touchdowns (that will certainly be increased as east coast port st lucie had 17 confirmed separate tornadoes alone). 3.3 million HOMES without power (homes not people- that could 6-7 million) at daybreak. The death total is and will be accumulating over the next few days (the water will be fluctuating for 2 days), but the tornadoes took several people and as of now the total is unknown. The days coming will give us the aftermath stats. This was a monster storm, and thank God for that cold front for those in my immediate area, but that too could have been the cause for the atmospheric conditions for the tornado outbreaks  just crazy. What matters now is picking up moving forward and doing what we can to help our friends and loved ones who may need some help. 

 With the Hudson card show posts done I can now peek at what I have planned going forward. I did do The Villages card show on Sept 7th, but I didn't scan anything. I might scan the highlight of the day which was a magazine. I did get another Sport Lots and another ComC order in as well. Tonight however, will be a trip made over to Ormond for Trade night which was also Topps Rip night last month.

JSA was in the house and brought some giveaways. This particular rep for JSA had met and made a deal with an artist who has deals with former athletes and got him to make some donations for this trade night. I got this To John, autographed rendering of Rollie Fingers (also signed by the artist). That was cool freebie for me just as I got to the shop.

Here was another freebie from Kyle. At first I was like this shirt feels flimsy, cheap like. I checked and it was made in OHIO, and although light is one of the most comfortable tee shirts I have. So soft....feels good.

While at the shop I did pull out a box of the diem cards. Which cost me about a nickel. These are my Braves Pro Debut cards. Complete but still need the chrome versions.

More Braves needs.

Topps broke this 40 card set up. These giveaways are the 2nd half 21-40. I believe 1-20 were stadium giveaways (so I need 2 of each of those now).

Now I move onto the "trade night" portion of the night.

Trade night was successful. Kyle always provides food, and there was plenty of good food, chips and soda.... and cookies too.

Have a great night.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

As promised: Something DIFFERENT!

 I PROMISED TO BRING YOU SOMETHING DIFFERENT FOR TONIGHT. Here it is a flashback to the 70's. 1976 and 1978 Donruss SKATEBOARDING.

The 1976 Donruss set has blank banks. I have half of the set.

1978 has backs with real life shots on most of the back then current skate kings.

I have 2/3 of this set. The last card is actually listed as 1 of 2 promos. The front of the promos are the same, the picture on the back is what is different.

Now a storm update: Milton has slowed down to a CAT 4 (should build back to a 5) and 36 hours from now (when it is hitting me) should be a CAT 2. Really hoping this thing doesn't get hung up and moves through quickly. I do NOT plan on making a Wednesday night post. Kind of will have other things on mind. I have already prepped the post for Thursday providing all is well it will post.