Friday, May 31, 2024

Ormond: The rest of the Braves

 First, thank goodness it is Friday, rough week with my back, whew. Hopefully next week is better. Secondly, I scanned the rest of the Braves together without even checking to see if I needed them.

The Muller on the bottom, didn't need for my Braves (I'll check the set build later). The Dansby on the bottom, didn't need.  The Bowman Heritage Olson not needed for the Braves (I pc him, so keeper anyways). Needed both rainbow foil cards, and lastly the first two cards there not sure as I had them checked off in one spot but not the others so we'll see eventually, lol. Again both PC guys so no big deal if I doubled up.

The pair of Chronicles weren't Braves needs and I doubt they are set build needs, the Anderson on the bottom also not needed for the Braves, but may be needed for the set. Select Fried, same thing not needed but he's a PC guy. The other four all needs especially the team logo swap Freeman, nice......Likewise, the UK Acuna sweet too.

The pair of Finest will have to check the set needs, the Acuna black border mini was a need. The Purple Wentz was checked off in one spot but not the others, we'll see. The tri color Soroka was a need and the advertising card was too.

Now after all is said and done here, I believe these Braves were not from Ormond at least not this trip, they may very well have just been a stack laying near my laptop and put the other cards on top of them. i say this because they all look very familiar, and I certainly don't remember pulling these last week. On top of that I am staring at two other stacks (100, 50ish cards) near my laptop. I guess getting out of routine has it's setbacks. I hope to get those handled this weekend.... we'll see.

Have a great weekend everybody!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Newest 2023 Braves additions

 Not as many 2023's as there were 2024's, but I'll make that up tomorrow with the others.

There ya go short and sweet. I was able to get a good handful of the 2023 Platinum Anniversary cards while at the shop on Wednesday last week including the two Braves above. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Newest 2024 Braves

 As mentioned yesterday/last night I had made an Ormond run last week. My goal was to not go crazy (my theme all year thus far). I really only wanted the Bowman, Big League, and Heritage Braves plus the Bowman set builds. Kyle's 6' dime table was slammed 3 boxes high on top and under.  I didn't bring an empty box on purpose so I wouldn't be overly tempted. Yeah, FAIL! Tons of Heritage and Big League, and Bowman. I filled 4 monster boxes (brand new ones from Kyle's shop). Probably could have filled a couple more. I could have forgone the Bowman as Kyle had complete sets for $10.00 on the vets, $25 prospects, and $35 chrome prospects. $70.00 for a complete set, those hobby boxes cost nearly $300. I decided to not to go that route and build the hard way. I did get the base set, 6 cards shy of the prospects, and half of the chrome. I'm good with that as I really don't chase the prospects and chrome (I just pick them out of dimes boxes here and there). I did get all of my Braves base and prospects, and 3 shy on the chrome.  I still need three more Big League, pretty sure those 3 won't be in a dime box, lol.

Most of the Topps inserts and parallels above came from those dollar box grabs that Kyle threw in.

I'll find those 3 chrome Braves in a dime box for sure.

 Now for my Heritage.

I put the 2 Fried cards backwards on purpose.  You can easily see the difference in the card backs. Now apparently this is nothing, however out of the 4500 Heritage cards I bought only 24 have this difference. There are 50/50 on the even darker backs, but this I just don't get. I called my buddy in Ormond who ripped the two cases and he said he caught that too on the 2 nd case and said they were falling about 1 or 2 per box. I probably should have used one of the darker backs to compare the light one. Things like this irk me, gets under my skin clearly somebody was messing with the product.

There you have it, minus the one Heritage Brave that I still need. Numero Uno Acuna.

Off to play trivia with my brother.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Let's catch up.

 You may or may not have noticed that I didn't post so much lately. No one actually inquired and that is a bit depressing, but it is what it is I guess. Anyways, the catch up. My daughter graduated and I did make it albeit I drove all through the night and got a great seat. I took care of the business/family stuff north of Atlanta. As for the lack of posting I could throw out a slew of things, but no need to do that when 6 words can sum it up the best. I just didn't feel like it. DONE! Now over the last few weeks I got a couple of mailings. This one came from Mr. Tessier.

A goodie from 1968. Thank you Tom.

Another package came in from the Owl himself. Greg returned some of those Beltre's I sent him and that was greatly appreciated. Greg decided to throw in a couple of blue Braves for me collection.

Looking at the Opening Day card it looks purple so I better check. Thanks Greg.

I haven't done much hobby wise this month. I did however venture over to Ormond last week (Wednesday). I hadn't been there in a month a half or so. While I was there I actually got a text from Jeremy asking if I would meet him at that card shop on Friday. Talk about funny I was already there. Anyways you've seen the haul that he brought back. Glad he got to venture over there finally. I didn't take any empty monster boxes with me, and I knew that I still had to hit up everything that wasn't Series 1 Topps. I came home with 4 + monster boxes of cards roughly 12.5K (38 of the cards I actually pulled out of Kyle's dollar boxes). Those were all Braves needs for the most part. As for the 4 boxes I loaded up Heritage, Big League, and Bowman all from 2024. Needless to say I do have extras. That reminds me I need to mail Greg some stuff. I'm not going to scan up those monster boxes. I will however cover the Braves that I needed. I'll start with the 2024 needs tomorrow, then do the 2023 Thursday, and wrap up the rest on Friday. No big purchases this trip. Kyle charged me a Benjamin for everything including the 4 brand new 3K boxes. I say a good deal. 

Have a great night folks.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Honoring Memorial Day.

 Honoring those who gave their lives so that we can have our liberties today. While many Americans will celebrate today with BBQ's and family and that is a good thing please remember those who gave everything (and their families) so that we can do the things that we do do, like collecting baseball cards.

May God bless America again!

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day

 Be sure to give those mother's out there a shout out today. Let's face it....if it weren't for them none of us would be here today!

My mom has been gone 9 years now, I miss her she truly was my ultimate hero! I love you mom!

Saturday, May 4, 2024

May the 4th be with you.

 Normally there would be an annual Star Wars post here. However, I haven't made any SW purchases lately. It is also a Saturday, so the best I can do (I'm lazy not wanting to drag out any of the SW sets I have/working on) is to wish you a May the 4th be with you!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Final Meely Pops cards: The PC pulls

 While my main focus was the Braves box (there was only 1 shoebox) in the cheap stuff, I sifted through the 2 boxes of Dodgers and called it a day as I knew that I wasn't going to get a "super deal". I did get $5.00 knocked off of my purchase.

Six cards above will be checked against set build needs before being dumped into the PC boxes. Well Maeda isn't a PC guy, so that one is going into the Father's Day section of my Holidates binder that is if I need it.

The Hershiser was a the twelfth dime card. Birthday binder/PC guy all in one.

17 cards for me that were not Braves. That completes the $20.00 from a trip (1 hr each way) to a LCS. Not much of a contribution, but I am a "deal" guy. There is a card show in Jacksonville this coming Saturday, but I am thinking that I will skip it. 

I am heading to Atlanta for a few days to take care of some Estate stuff and spend a little time with family that I probably won't see for sometime. Look forward to seeing my sisters Joyce and Jan as well as a few cousins. I am set to come back home on May 9th. However, my daughter Hunter originally thought her graduation from CCF was May 20th. She is my youngest and the last to get through college. Thank goodness! Yeah, turns out the ceremony is May 9th, so either I leave at midnight (the ceremony starts at 10am) and drive all night without sleep or I will miss her walk. The time allotted in GA has been set for a while now, and took a lot of planning to get a dozen of together all at the same times. I will be spending the rest of this week and weekend trying to work out my situation. I may not be posting again until after I return home.